Sunday, 23 June 2013

German's Invasion planning meeting ....

It had been a while since Von Tiddenheim had been to Paris for a meeting with the general staff to go over the plans for the invasion of England ; he had been busy finalising the details for his forces, now he was ready to present this to his staff...
The german general Von Tiddenheim, commander Army Group C, has called a planning meeting for his staff, to go over the invasion plans. They have a light lunch then move into the main room where they look at the map table ....
Well gentlemen now you've had a good look at the maps, we need to focus on our allotted objectives, as shown on the main map in black....
Out main port of departure will be Cherbourg. We land between Poole and Lyme Regis, move inland northwards to Bristol then Gloucester, with secondary objectives of Salisbury and Swindon.  We also protect the flank of the main force moving on London and beyond. Your thoughts .....

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